
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Holiday Letter

Hello Senior Teachers,

In the holiday, I went to Kaikoura with my mum, dad, and my siblings. My favourite thing was going on Andy's boat. When we were out in the sea I saw 3 dolphins out in the distance. Later that day we went to the seals breeding rock and saw them with their pups. The seal pup's are so cute. My dad went on the boat and caught a bucket full of crayfish. The night before I was in the water finding Paua. Fun fact about me when I am really grumpy a red circle appears above my nose. Something I am excited for is speeches because I am getting more confident when talking aloud in front of a crowd.

From Maia

Half Labrador Half Wolf Drawing

At school we are reading The Bone Tiki, it is about a boy called Matt who takes the tiki that his nanny Y said he could have when she died. But a warrior wants the Tiki so then the chase is on. My drawing is half Wolf and Half Labrador because the Labrador acts like a wolf when he is trying to protect Matt.

Monday, February 24, 2020

My Portrait

This is my portrait half of what I look like and half of the stuff I like. On it I have a cross because I am christian. I have a marching boot because I am starting marching and it is a fun sport to do. I have a bat because I play cricket. I also have Z's because I love to sleep. I have the music notes because I love to sing. I have the pencil because I love art and have been inspired to do it by my grandfather. If you want to know more comment on my blog.